In Living Heritage Network

2nd Annual Meeting of the Living Heritage Network

HERITΛGE was happy to participate in the 2nd Meeting of Greece’s Living Heritage Network – of which it is a founding member-  that took place from February 21-23 in Athens. The event was co-organized by the Directorate of Modern Cultural and Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and the Culture, Sports & Youth Organization of the City of Athens (OPANDA).

The three-day event provided communities and stakeholders engaged in Greece’s living cultural heritage sector with the opportunity to present their activities and future plans while participating in hands-on experiences.

HERITΛGE participated in multiple ways to this celebration of Greece’s living heritage.  Theodosia Maroutsi, Greek Programs Manager and a member of the Living Heritage Network’s  Coordinating Committee welcomed the participants and moderated two sessions, including  one on the Network’s development and future prospects. Maria Gkirtzi instructed  the HERITΛGE workshop “Working on the Narrative Interpretation of Living Cultural Heritage”,  while two HERITΛGE project’s AHEAD and EMPATHS were also featured in the event with prominent posters. 

Last but by no means least, on the occasion of the Meeting HERITΛGE launched a Training Needs Assessment Survey to gather insights into the training needs of individuals engaged in intangible cultural heritage and the broader cultural sector in Greece. Take the survey here.

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