Short Description
Main Objective
As youths move away from rural areas and populations become more secluded, tangible and intangible heritage in Algerian villages is being lost. Ancestral trades are being abandoned and traditional built heritage falling into disrepair as a result.
As a way of addressing this loss, Izourane Algerie propose to renovate part of a traditional house, turning it into an ecotourism lodge. It will be used as an example of renovation for potential further development. In addition, learning sites will be created for the restoration and management of traditional houses in a Kbylia village. Finally, young architects will be provided with training and village craftsmen recruited to assist with renovations.
Renovating a traditional house will provide a concrete architectural example to others Kabyle villages. History, habits and customs of the village will be protected as a result.
The organisation of school camps will help increase tourist attractiveness of the Kabyle village and will have as direct results the promotion of local trades.
Money will be injected into the local economy.
Direct and indirect jobs will be created during the duration of the project.
