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Introducing the First AHEAD Training Seminar Video


HERITΛGE is excited to announce the release of the inaugural AHEAD training seminar video, Introduction to Audience Development. AHEAD (Accessible Heritage Experience for Audience Development)  is a project co-funded by the EU’s Creative Europe program that aims to encourage the cultural heritage sector to adopt human-centered approaches, learning by doing, impact and data-driven methodologies to innovate working practices, become more relevant for our communities, financially sustainable and create opportunities for social, cultural and economic growth.

This first video is hosted by University of Deusto’s Macarena Cuenca and Jaime Cuenca and  is part of AHEAD’s comprehensive capacity building program, which aims to equip heritage professionals with the essential tools and knowledge to foster audience development, entrepreneurship, and effective marketing strategies.

Fostering active audience engagement and access to culture is a major challenge for the cultural sector, and one which entails reinterpreting the relationship between cultural organizations and the public. In this context, audience development is becoming a key component of cultural sector strategy, as evidenced by the support for it from the European Commission. 

AHEAD’s first seminar is aimed at practitioners working in the cultural heritage sector who are interested in putting audiences at the center of their work and implementing an audience development approach in their organizations. It is made up of two presentations. The first starts with a reflection on the democratization of culture and cultural democracy and related considerations of ethics. It then introduces the concept of audience development. The second presentation is focused on the eight main strategic areas of intervention in Audience Development that were identified in a European-level relevant study on Audience Development (Bollo et al., 2017): Programming, Audience participation and co-creation, Digital, Use of Data, Place, Alliances and Collaboration, Organizational change management, and Capacity building.

Watch the seminar video now to gain valuable insights into the AHEAD program and the importance of audience development in the cultural heritage sector at your convenience. Become a member of the AHEAD network for more news, videos, training opportunities and upcoming events.

AHEAD: A Manifesto for Redefining Heritage Experiences

The Heritage Management Organization is proud to be part of the AHEAD project, an international initiative funded by the European Union’s Creative Europe Programme. Today, we’re excited to announce the launch of the AHEAD manifesto, a groundbreaking document outlining a new vision for cultural audience development. We are calling upon all cultural heritage professionals, community leaders, and policy makers to sign up to the manifesto and become part of the AHEAD network.

A Human-Centered Approach to Heritage

The AHEAD manifesto calls for a fundamental shift in how we approach heritage experiences. It champions a human-centered approach, prioritizing accessibility, inclusivity, and audience engagement. This means moving beyond traditional models and fostering a more dynamic and participatory relationship between cultural institutions and their visitors.

The manifesto is the result of extensive research and collaboration among AHEAD consortium partners across Europe. It emphasizes the importance of audience development as a transformative process. This process is rooted in listening to visitors, ensuring inclusivity for all, and empowering them to actively participate in their heritage experiences.

Equipping Professionals for Success

AHEAD recognizes that achieving this new vision requires well-equipped professionals. To address this need, the project offers a comprehensive capacity-building program. This program equips heritage professionals with essential skills among others in:

  • Audience Insights: Understanding the needs and interests of diverse audiences.
  • Heritage Interpretation: Crafting engaging and meaningful narratives around cultural heritage.
  • Strategic Communication: Effectively communicating the value of heritage to target audiences.
  • Impact Assessment: Measuring the success of heritage experiences and their impact on communities.

The ultimate goal of AHEAD is to empower cultural professionals to reshape how audiences engage with heritage. This will lead to positive social, cultural, and economic development. Imagine museums, parks, and archaeological sites transformed into welcoming spaces for all, serving as vibrant hubs for community engagement and collaborative value creation.

Join the Movement

The AHEAD manifesto is a call to action for cultural heritage professionals worldwide. We invite you to endorse the manifesto and join this pioneering initiative. By working together, we can redefine the landscape of heritage experience design and usher in a new era of audience participation and appreciation.

Learn more about the AHEAD project, endorse and download the manifesto on the AHEAD website.

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