Tourism Marketing and the Promotion of Cultural Heritage – HM802

Location Term Level Credits (ECTS) Current Convenor 2018-19
AUEB, Athens
(version 2)
View Timetable
7 15 (7.5)


This module is taught at the Athens Centre, and is therefore only available to students studying on the MA in Heritage Management.


This course introduces the basic principles of services and tourist marketing with a special focus on heritage management. Students become familiar with the core benefits that tourists seek when travelling for tourism purposes. They understand how historic sites, monuments, museums and culture in general can represent a form of travelling motivation and what the consequences are for the tourism industry, in general and particularly for the marketing and management of these sites. Also, the course enables participants to comprehend the principles of developing an integrated marketing plan for such sites, both at national and individual site levels.


This module appears in:


Contact hours

3 hours per week


This module is core for students studying on the MA in Heritage Management.

Method of assessment

30% coursework; 70% examination

Indicative reading

N KOTLER, P KOTLER & W KOTLER – ‘Museum Marketing and Strategy’, 2nd ed., Jossey Bass, 2008;
MIDDLETON et al. – ‘Marketing in Travel and Tourism’, 4th ed., Butterworth-Heinemann, 2009;
S MISIURA – ‘Heritage Marketing’, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006

See the library reading list for this module (Canterbury)

See the library reading list for this module (Medway)

Learning outcomes

Students will be able to understand the idiosyncrasies of tourism and heritage marketing;
Students will be able to identify market opportunities and design an effective and integrated marketing strategy for organisations operating in respective industries

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