Heritage Values: Interpretations and Architectural Interventions – HM811

Location Term Level Credits (ECTS) Current Convenor 2018-19
AUEB, Athens
(version 3)
View Timetable
7 15 (7.5)


This module is taught at the Athens Centre, and is therefore only available to students studying on the MA in Heritage Management.


The scope of this module is to provide conceptual tools and methods necessary for interdisciplinary collaboration and decision making in heritage management. The example of architectural synthesis will be used not only as a dominant component of heritage management practice but as a holistic way of dealing with multiple and opposing heritage values through purposeful action.

Students are thus expected to learn how to interrelate diverse modes of thought and practice pertaining to archaeologists, conservators, architects, historians, cultural geographers, economists, et al., and subsequently make the best out of them by synthesising them in employing creative methods in formulating priorities and establishing hierarchies as a basis for taking action.

To this end, the module will focus mainly on matters of architectural synthesis as a mode of employing practical philosophy in solving and reformulating problems in the protection, preservation and management of architectural heritage. Issues of practical philosophy and modes of implementing theory-led practice in architectural design of archaeological sites will be presented, discussed in class and embedded through in situ site visits to archaeological sites.


This module appears in:


Contact hours

Total contact hours: 24

Method of assessment

100% coursework

Indicative reading

Feilden, B. (2003). Conservation of Historical Buildings, London: Butterworth;
Riegl, A. (1982). The Modern Cult of Monuments: Its Character and Origin, trans. By K. W. Forster and D. Ghirardo, Oppositions 25, 20-51;
de la Torre, M. ( ed ), (2002). Assessing the Values of Cultural Heritage, Research Report, Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute

See the library reading list for this module (Canterbury)

See the library reading list for this module (Medway)

Learning outcomes

Students will be able to demonstrate a strong and wide understanding of contemporary issues, approaches and thinking in the ways architects are asked to intervene in archaeological sites materials;
Students will be able to firmly locate theories and interpretations within conceptual frameworks and understand their intellectual origins;
Students will be able to interrelate diverse modes of thought and practice pertaining to a variety of disciplines;
Students will be able to understand the value ad contribution of particular methods;
Students will be able to demonstrate a familiarity with critical issues in architecture;
Students will be able to demonstrate a rounded understanding of methods in heritage management, their relationship to theoretical approaches and their appropriateness, or otherwise in particular circumstances;
Students will be able to demonstrate a strong awareness of the nature of archaeological remains and other sources of information upon the past and how what has survived impacts upon thinking in archaeology;
Students will be able to provide solutions based on both theoretical issues and tangible realities

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