Education and Archaeology I – HM816

Location Term Level Credits (ECTS) Current Convenor 2018-19
AUEB, Athens
(version 2)
View Timetable
7 15 (7.5)


This module is taught at the Athens Centre, and is therefore only available to students studying on the MA in Heritage Management.


The course aims to develop the student’s knowledge and understanding of the history and development of education in archaeology, both in the formal curricula at all levels and in non-formal learning situations for adults and children at archaeological sites, monuments and museums.

The course will examine the ways in which archaeologists, and educators, have furthered an understanding and appreciation of archaeology in both formal and non-formal education. It will be useful for those intending to work in archaeology, in heritage management or in a museum. A site visit and practical projects to examine resources for educational groups and information for the visiting public will be carried out.


This module appears in:


Contact hours

Total contact hours: 20

Method of assessment

100% coursework

Indicative reading

Beavis, J & Hunt, A, (1999). Communicating Archaeology. Oxford: Oxbow Books. Bournemouth University School of Conservation Sciences Occasional Paper 4;
Cooper, H, (2002). History in the Early Years. London: Routledge Falmer;
Cracknell, S & Corbishley, M (ed), (1986). Presenting Archaeology to Young People. York: Council for British Archaeology. CBA Research Report No 64;
Derry, L & Malloy, M (eds), (2003). Archaeologists and Local Communities: Partners in Exploring the Past. Washington: Society for American Archaeology;
Henson, D, Corbishley, M & Stone, P, (2003). Education and the Historic Environment. London: Routledge;
Pearson, V (ed). (2001). Teaching the Past: A Practical Guide for Archaeologists. York: Council for British Archaeology;
Stone, P & MacKenzie, R (ed), (1990). The Excluded Past: Archaeology in Education. London: Routledge;
Stone, P & Molyneaux, B (ed), (1994). The Presented Past: Heritage, Museums and Education. London: Routledge;
Stone, P G & Planel, P (eds), (1999). The Constructed Past: Experimental Archaeology, Education and the Public. London: Routledge.

See the library reading list for this module (Canterbury)

See the library reading list for this module (Medway)

Learning outcomes

Students will achieve a systematic understanding of the nature of archaeology and education in the UK and in some other countries;
Students will acquire a critical awareness of developments in archaeology and education and a comprehensive understanding of the methods used by archaeologists and heritage managers to inform and educate formal groups and the visiting public;
Students will obtain a conceptual understanding of the key issues in providing and maintaining on-site and outreach programmes for archaeological education;
Students will be able to critically evaluate and discuss resources and services provided for archaeological education;
Students will be able to apply learning and research to designing curriculum-based materials for educational groups and information for general visitors to archaeological sites, monuments and museums

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