Monthly Archives: July 2020

Network Stories: Alia Fares

The Lebanon Mountain Trail Cultural Heritage Project The mountains of Lebanon contain hundreds of archaeological and ancient cultural heritage sites dispersed between its valleys, on mountain tops, next to riverbeds and amid far away villages. In 2007, the Lebanon Mountain Trail association was created to protect and promote a 470 km hiking trail extending along

HerMaHUB2019: Workshop on community engagement

The workshop on community engagement took place in the afternoon of the second day of the HerMa HUB conference, on 6 December 2019. Twenty groups and initiatives form Athens and various areas in Greece met at the newly refurbished conference room of the Workers Centre of Elefsina. The workshop was organized and moderated by Dr

Network Stories: Maro Magoula

  Describe your organisation and the unique work that it is doing.  Who and what are affected by the work?  How does/will the work impact people’s lives?  We launched Peripatos in 2015 with the aim of applying contemporary practices and innovative approaches in disseminating and managing cultural heritage. Over the years, Peripatos has evolved, renewed, and travelled

HermaHUB 2019: Fostering communities

Our goal in organizing HerMaHUB 2019 was to locate groups and initiatives from all over Greece that work with local communities in heritage, and invite them to meet and network. The conference as a whole was dedicated to community engagement. It had a theoretical aspect, with presentations and discussions with academics from around the world.

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