Heritage Interpretation

Heritage Interpretation:

Studying, learning from and creating unique visitor experiences from Heritage Assets

How does heritage communicate? What messages does the heritage profession create about its sites, monuments and artefacts? This course critically examines approaches to interpretation and communication of the past, and explores the theory and practice of heritage communication for multiple audiences and purposes. Heritage is an active force in society and its use and adaptation is dynamic, changing and inconsistent. A key focus of the module will be a critical examination of interpretation and communication of heritage and conservation, and a consideration of the complexity of multiple values, perspectives, and voices within the construction of heritage on all levels, from the personal to the international. The module will include practical development of interpretation tools and techniques, using the Athenian site of the Kerameikos as a case study. Strategic Learning Outcome: training students on communicating the importance of heritage to visitors and others, thus making heritage a powerful educational resource. This is planned for the summer of 2017.

Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB) is an independent Swedish non-governmental organization dedicated to rescuing and preserving tangible and intangible cultural heritage affected by conflict, neglect or human and natural disasters. Their mission is to promote cultural heritage as both a right in itself and a resource. CHwB works with civil society and institutions at all levels to strengthen peace-building, sustainable socio-economic and democratic development and the realisation of human rights.
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