The Initiative for Heritage Conservation (IHC) will be organizing its 1st “HerMa Market” side event at “Paleo Eleourgio” (Old Oil Factory), Εlefsina, on Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd October 2016. This side event will take place within the framework of the 3rd International Conference in Heritage Management and under the auspices of Aeschylia Festival, the leading cultural institution of the city.
The aim of the event is to bring together experts in the sectors of cultural heritage, tourism, and communication with young people interested in pursuing a career into these areas and start a dialogue on the biggest challenges the later face to get into these fields. Participating companies and organizations will also have the chance to present their upcoming projects such as exhibitions, educational programs and events and at the same time to interact with third parties about future partnerships. To register you must fill out the registration form.
The participation fee is 200€ and includes:
Additionally, your company could support this significant event by becoming a:
of the “HerMa Market” side event and benefit at the same time by promoting your company before, during and after the event.
For details and costs please sent us an e- mail with a code on the theme MARKET to: [email protected]
You may find the sponsorship proposal here
With anticipation for your support and participation,
The Organising Committee
Δελτίο Τύπου (19/09/16)