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New partnership to protect Buddhist heritage in Pakistan’s Swat Valley

HERITΛGE is delighted to partner with the , EssaNoor Associates and  the International Association of Mediterranean and Oriental Studies(ISMEO),  on the important project to protect the Buddhist heritage of the Swat Valley in Pakistan. We are grateful to the Cultural Protection Fund of the British Council, whose support made this work possible.

The Swat Valley, known both for its rich, multicultural history and natural beauty, was a vibrant center of Buddhism in late antiquity. In the early medieval period, from the 7th century onwards, the cultural flourishing came to an end, but the artistic expression continued in a less monumental, more intimate form of rock reliefs dispersed through the valleys. The reliefs representing Buddha and Bodhisattvas attest to the Gandharan heritage of the region, but also to a unique local artistic idiom.

The Buddhist rock reliefs of Swat, in the past threatened by the extremists, are now at risk from development and climate change. The difficulties are compounded by the growing detachment of local communities from this heritage. To address these complex issues, the project documents the rock art sites and provides training in documentation, climate change adaptation, and preventive conservation. It also implements first aid conservation, to address the most pressing issues. An important part of the project is recording intangible Pashtun traditions relating to the Buddhist reliefs. Protecting these traditions will help to rebuild the link between the community and the unique heritage of the Swat Valley.


 “We work in partnership with local colleagues and local people. In helping them to develop knowledge and tools to address the impact of climate change on heritage, we hope to assist them in preserving these important sites into the future” – Dr. Maja Kominko, director of projects for the HERITΛGE Management Organization


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