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HERITΛGE Open Courses

Welcome to the BETA page of the HERITΛGE Open Courses.

These courses can be used in at least four ways – please read before you access the courses:

  1. As a project management tool – with your project at hand, you can use this as a tool or step-by-step guide to help your project progress. The benefit is that your project can benefit directly at its own pace, without the budget needed to hire an expert.
  2. As an introduction to the knowledge needed for your heritage related work, or the issues involved in heritage related work before that work takes place. Again, this can be completed at your own pace and convenience without the need for a budget.
  3. As a resource for you, if you have been trained by our organization or another organization on heritage management, in order to help you train others. The work of the Heritage Management Organization is about empowerment of local communities and heritage managers everywhere.
  4. As an introduction to these fields of knowledge, irrespective of the relevance of your work.

These courses cannot be used for:

  1. For any for-profit cause, or any cause that does not give full credit to the Heritage Management Organization and the respective instructors, without full prior consent from the organization.
  2. As a tool to receive personalized feedback on your project.
  3. As an interactive resource.
  4. As a networking tool with colleagues.

2-4 above: if you want to get feedback on your project, or network with other colleagues from the field, you can join our live workshops here

Open Course List

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Conservation ready to go live!

Project Management MS Arabic

Human Resources Management ENG

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