At the beginning of the Spring Semester, the students of the MA in Heritage Management were offered an opportunity to participate in an extracurricular workshop in photography of cultural heritage. The workshop’s first lessons introduced how heritage has been conveyed through photography in the past and in modern times; the next series of lectures gave us the basics on how to use our cameras as well as photographic techniques to make our photos look more professional. The course also encompassed a couple of photography days where we went around outside to practice these newfound techniques.
Using Elefsina as a case study, we were divided into four groups, each with a certain focus. Group 1 was to examine Elefsina’s Industrial Heritage, Group 2 was to capture the Architectural Heritage of Lower Elefsina, Group 3 was to look at the Iera Odos (Sacred Way) as a Cultural Monument, and Group 4 was to illustrate the Tourism Marketing potential of Elefsina.
Group 1: Industrial Heritage
The industrial heritage of Elefsina is vast and complicated, with many facets of interest. This group decided to tackle this subject as a communication between Industrial Heritage and the Water Front of Elefsina.
Group 2: Architectural Heritage of Lower Elefsina
The artistic decision for this project was to take photos of buildings on one street from beginning to end, and to observe its mixtures of architectural styles and designs, to help remind audiences of “why those buildings were built in that way” with connection to the history of Elefsina and those locals who lived there.
Group 3: Iera Odos as a Cultural Monument
In a project entitled “The Perennial Sacred Way,” this group decided to explore the Sacred Way that goes from Kerameikos in Athens to Elefsina both as a cultural monument and as a road; the former being static, unchanging, and the latter being dynamic, always moving.
Group 4: Tourism Marketing of Elefsina
The objective of this project was to convey Elefsina outside of its industrial identity, showcasing the city’s longstanding history and vibrant citizens. Subject matter included the archaeological site, shopkeepers, outdoor markets, and Elefsina’s unique seafront. The approach of marketing was tackled by conveying a day trip of the city through a couple’s perspective.
The workshop will be running again next Fall for the 2014 Masters students and will include more archaeological sites in the greater Athens area.
Brittany Wade is the editor of the Initiative for Heritage Conservancy blog and student of the MA in Heritage Management 2013. Having studied Classics in her undergraduate, Brittany is interested in applying her knowledge of history in the field of archaeology. Her interests are mainly in Prehistoric Minoan and Hellenic history.