School Educational Programs
The department offers educational programs, running 90′ to 120′ minutes each, throughout the year. The programs are organized according to the number of participants, and are the following:
“The climate is changing, does it affect our heritage?”
The “Planeto Warriors” invite their young friends through games and creative activities to become familiar with concepts such as archeology, cultural heritage, monuments, environment and climate change.
Ages 8-13. Complements lessons on the environment, physics and history in levels C ‘, D’, E ‘, F’ of Primary (Elementary) and Middle Schools.
“Journey to the Acropolis in the Classical Period” in collaboration with NEAPOLIS
IHC.Education teams up with NEAPOLIS to offer children of all ages a 3D interactive journey on the Acropolis using special iPads, available for the first time anywhere in the world, and using the new enhanced reality technology (AugmentedReality)! Join us for a journey through time!
Ages 6-17. Complements lessons in history in level D of Primary (Elementary) School, level A of Middle School and level A of High School.
“Secrets of an Archaeologist! Shhhh! Come Let’s Discover Them! “
IHC.Education has a fun, hands-on way for children to get acquainted with the little secrets of archaeologists, conservators-restorers, and museologists.
Ages 8-13. Complements lessons on the environment, history and visual arts in levels C, D, E of Primary (Elementary) School and level A of Middle School.
“Sports in Antiquity”
The children will learn and play games from antiquity, and they will also create some of their own. They will also discover the value of sport and Olympism, and find their own athletic capabilities.
Ages 5-13. Complements lessons in physical education, history, and visual arts in Primary (Elementary) School and A level Middle School, giving emphasis on the athletic ideal and Olympism.
Reservations and information: [email protected]
Evangelia Pelendridou, T: 6948 807797
Vasiliki Papadopoulou, T: 6973 065966