

David Nkusi is a highly qualified and accomplished heritage management professional, with extensive experience in the field of heritage site protection, as well as a background in philosophy and history. He earned a BA degree from Makerere University in Uganda, with a major in Philosophy and a minor in History, and our MA in Heritage

Eirini Oikonomidi

Eirini Oikonomidi is working as a project manager of our programs in Rwanda and project manager assistant in the Gambia. She holds a BA in History and Archaeology from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and an MA in Heritage Management from the Athens University of Economics and Business and the University of Kent.


Vira Orlovska is a heritage scholar and an experienced project manager trained in linguistics and education (Ivan Franko University of Lviv, Ukraine) and world heritage studies (Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany). Vira has conducted fieldwork in Lao PDR supporting the nomination of the Hin Nam No National Park as a transboundary UNESCO Natural World Heritage


Çağla Parlak holds a BA degree from Istanbul University, Political Science and International Relations Department, later she continued her MA studies at METU Gender and Woman Studies and Istanbul University Museum Management. She worked as a guide at Dolmabahçe Palace Museum where she also undertook the volunteer program and various researches as a member of


Dr. Cornelis Stal (°1985, Waalre, the Netherlands) is Manager of HERITΛGE-Digital and is Lecturer at the Ghent University College (Department of Real Estate and Land Surveying), and Visiting Professor at the Ghent University (Department of Geography) with a significant experience in the field of the combination, processing and quality analysis of airborne and terrestrial laser


Dr Eleni Stefanou is the manager of our programs in Ghana. She is an archaeologist (BA, Dept. of History and Archaeology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR), and specialises in museum and heritage studies (MA, PhD University of Southampton, UK). Since October 2013 she works as Adjunct Lecturer at the postgraduate course Management of Cultural Organisations

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