Denkraum: Sustainable Cities & Good Life, occurred in Athens from 6th of 9th of October organised by BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt & Impact Hub, in collaboration with Impact Hub Athens, Impact Hub Madrid & Amsterdam. Combining digital & physical presence and together with distinct voices, Impact Hub Athens assembled a network of mindful individuals to co-inspire solutions for the current challenges
The Heritage Management Organization (HERITΛGE) in collaboration with the British Council’s Cultural Protection Fund in partnership with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport organized a 8-day workshop, with 11 meetings in total, to train 22 heritage managers of British Council staff and collaborative network in heritage management; engaging of local communities; heritage, risk
Describe your organization and the unique work that it is doing. Who and what are affected by the work? How does/will the work impact people’s lives? I am currently working at the National Institution Stobi (NI Stobi) as an archaeologist-senior curator. I graduated art history and archaeology at the Skopje University where I received my Phil and
Strategy is considered to be the queen of the managerial disciplines and a key success factor in all areas of human activity. In this respect, there are numerous examples of how a successful strategy can lead to success, even in cases where resources are limited and are not overwhelmingly superior to those of competitors. The