All posts by HERITΛGE

Preserving History Together: Our Cultural Heritage Assessment in Kahramanmaraş

  By Çağla Parlak   We are thrilled to share our recent post-earthquake cultural heritage assessment field visit to Kahramanmaraş, Turkiye, conducted in cooperation with the Association for the Protection of Cultural Heritage. This meaningful initiative was made possible through the generous funding provided by the Aliph Foundation. Between 23-29 July, our team of dedicated

Training the Trainers in The Gambia

HERITΛGE is very proud to have trained two groups of heritage practitioners during its Train the  Trainers workshop in The Gambia in June, in partnership with the Institute of Travel and Tourism of The Gambia. The 29 practitioners completed the first phase of their training and are now ready to go ahead and train a

SHIFT Project Webinar: accessible & inclusive cultural heritage content

  Join us for a webinar to celebrate this year’s European Heritage Days organized by SHIFT, an international project funded by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe Program to make cultural heritage more inclusive and accessible through technology. SHIFT’s (MetamorphoSis of cultural Heritage Into augmented hypermedia assets For enhanced accessibiliTy and inclusion)online event will explore the

Summer School Insights: Engaging Communities in Cultural Heritage

From 18 to 30 June 2023, a transformative two-week online Summer School on Engaging Communities in Cultural Heritage was held, bringing together 14 heritage managers from Africa, Asia, and Europe. Led by HERITΛGE’s Dr. Aris Anagnostopoulos and Dr. Lena Stefanou, the annual program aims to cultivate a fresh approach to community engagement in cultural heritage,

Highlights from our Summer School: Digital Tools for Cultural Heritage Management

In May and June 2023, HERITΛGE’s Online Summer School on Digital Tools for Cultural Heritage Management brought together 14 heritage managers from Africa, Asia, and Europe. Led by Dr. Cornelis Stal, this annual immersive program aims to equip participants with advanced skills in GIS, Photogrammetry and image-based 3D modeling, and laser scanning. Let’s delve into

SHIFT Project forges ahead to make heritage accessible through technology

HERTΛGE attends SHIFT Consortium meeting: consulting stakeholders and reviewing use cases to make cultural heritage more accessible and inclusive through technology.  The SHIFT Consortium held its second in-person meeting earlier this month in Knjaževac, Serbia. HERITΛGE and twelve consortium partners were hosted on 15th – 16th June by the Homeland Museum of Knjaževac, part of

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