
Brand New Thinking for Heritage 

with The Seeking State

Date: TBC

Online Training Program 

Application Deadline:



Frances Croxford,
the founder of The Seeking State (, has over 20 years’ experience in the cultural, heritage and education sectors. She spent 10 years’ as the Product Developer at Tate Enterprises translating the brand into financial and emotional benefit for Tate and 10 years’ as a Managing Director of an International Branding Consultancy.

The Seeking State, a UK company, is a creative consultancy seeking to help clients redefine the way we engage with culture.

This course is for leaders and future leaders, who want to explore how heritage organizations can be engaging and relevant places of cultural vitality and communal memories. For leaders of the future where heritage is eloquent with meaning not silent, and reaches out to the many not the confines of a few. A course that helps heritage organizations adapt and evolve in a changing world, whilst preserving and promoting heritage values.

Brand New Thinking for Heritage will challenge preconceptions. An apparent dichotomy between commercial market driven brand and values driven heritage will be interrogated. The argument will be presented that brand is grounded in heritage values and critical to the survival of our heritage organizations now and in the future. This four-day course will give you the tools to classify the ingredients of what a brand is: differentiate what “good” and “bad” looks like: and lead a brand process for a heritage organization in the future.

The learning experience will be made up of a variety of experiences: presentations and master classes from external speakers: field work: group work and group presentations with peer to peer and facilitator feedback and 1:1 sessions.

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