In HMO Workshops,Workshops

Empowering heritage leaders with fundraising strategies and best practices

Twenty one Heritage Managers from Africa (Cameroon, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa, Swaziland, Zimbabwe), Asia (Afghanistan, Iraq), and Europe (Greece, Ukraine, United Kingdom) took part in HERITΛGE’s 3-day online workshop on “Successful Fundraising for Heritage Managers: Strategies and Best Practices” from 22 to 24 March 2024. During the workshop, participants  acquired a strong understanding of how to develop and execute effective fundraising strategies, with the aim of increasing their organizations contributed revenues and its global impact. 

Workshops participants successfully developed and implemented strategies in the core principles of fundraising, as well as effective approaches to resolving ethical dilemmas. They also honed their collaboration skills and techniques in relation to executive and voluntary leadership and were trained  in crafting and presenting a persuasive case for support through prospect research.

Additionally, the workshop instructors, Linda C. Hartley and Jennier E. Herring, skillfully guided attendees in the art of cultivating and approaching potential donors, mastering the art of making personal donation requests, and successfully obtaining grants from foundations and corporations.

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