Tag Archives: HerMaP Gambia

HERITΛGE visit to The Gambia – Meeting with heritage sector beneficiaries and stakeholders & Executive Leadership Workshop

The Heritage Management Organization (HERITΛGE) completed an in-person visit to The Gambia for the HerMaP Gambia program on 17th – 24th August to build on and develop the program’s capacity mapping and building functions for the heritage sector.

The team, headed by Project Manager Mina Morou, held meetings with The Gambia’s Vice President, Badara Alieu Joof and key heritage beneficiaries and stakeholders as well as training sessions with local heritage managers.

“We are happy to be in The Gambia after the lifting of the pandemic restrictions to further implement the HerMap Gambia program which serves as a springboard to develop the capacity of the country’s heritage sector, empowering local communities to grow sustainably by building on their culture, history, and traditions,” said Morou.

Morou, along with expert educator and trainer of trainers (ToT) Iordanis Paschalidis, and ethnomusicologist Stella Paschalidou,  delivered an executive leadership workshop on Capacity Development: Strategies and Best Practices, attended by 25 cultural managers from Barra, Wassu, Janjanbureh, Juffureh and Albreda, and Banjul and its greater area.

HERITΛGE is grateful to The Gambia’s  National Centre for the Art and Culture (NCAC) and its General Director, Hassoum Ceesay, for introducing and hosting the workshop as well as supporting our mission throughout its visit.  

About HerMaP Gambia: The program is aimed at developing the business skills of heritage and cultural managers to enable them to establish and better support heritage and cultural enterprises. Supporting The Gambia’s heritage sector will promote community solidarity and provide high-quality employment opportunities for local talent.

The worskshop was funded by the European Union with funding partly matched by the UN Economic Commission for Africa. The HerMaP Gambia in co-funded by the European Union.

HERITΛGE in the news

The Heritage Management Organisation’s people, programs and partners have all been in the news. You can find some of the articles below. 


Heritage Director, Evangelos Kyriakidis, told Euronews’ Jonny Walfisz that Britain must seize the opportunity for cultural diplomacy and give up its fears regarding the restitution of the Parthenon Sculptures to Greece and the British Museum needs to see past the legal arguments it has been presenting on the issue…

Read more on Euronews.com 


Staying on the same topic, Dr. Kyriakidis told Euronews a few weeks later that European museums must do more than just return artefacts…. 

Read more on Euronews.com


Irene Onyancha of the United Nations, Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) speaking on behalf of Nita Deerpalsing during the “Community Engagement Workshop with Community Leaders on the Promotion and Protection of Heritage Resources” which was held in Nairobi, Kenya, told participants that ECA is partnering with stakeholders including the Africa Union Commission and HERITAGE, to implement its heritage management programme which aims to empower local communities and experts…

Read more on ModernGhana.com 


Press in The Gambia and beyond reported on Heritage’s “Engaging Communities in Cultural Heritage” and “Heritage Interpretation for Site Managers” workshops. Cultural heritage managers in Banjul, Barra, Janjanbureh and beyond took part in the workshops which address the needs of the country’s heritage organizations and local groups as they themselves set them out in a survey conducted by the Heritage Management Organisation. The workshops are part of the HerMaP Gambia project, co-funded by the EU ….

Read more on AllAfrica.comThePoint.gm and ModernGhana.com


Naftemporiki, one of Greece’s oldest and best-known financial papers/websites, features Hertigage’s work in Africa, highlighting that this is the first time that the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) has collaborated with an organization to develop a cultural heritage program in the continent…

Read more on Naftemporiki.gr


Greek media reported on the upcoming conference on “Emerging Trends and Technologies (EMTech) in Cultural Organizations: Management Innovation and Network Collaboration” that HERITAGE is organizing at the American Farm School in Thessaloniki to mark the conclusion of the international TEACH FOR FUTURE project. The project was co-funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme and took place in Bulgaria, Greece and Romania… 

Read more on MyPortal.gr 

“Engaging Communities Cultural Heritage” in The Gambia 

On World African Heritage Day, the Heritage Management Organization is happy to announce that 41 heritage and cultural managers in Banjul, Barra and Janjanbureh attended its 3-day “Engaging Communities in Cultural Heritage” workshops.

“This workshop addresses the needs of the country’s heritage organizations and local groups as they themselves set them out in a survey we conducted to establish the sector’s specific training needs. As a result, we are delighted to be offering this workshop and to be working with multiple and very diverse stakeholders including the NCAC, Banjul, Janjanbureh, Lower Niumi, and Basse local communities, as well as the festival committees of Barra and Janjanbureh, tour guide groups and local heritage-related business managers,” said Evangelos Kyriakidis, the Heritage Organization’s Director.

The workshops, which are held online, are part of the Heritage Management Organization’s “HerMaP Gambia” program, which aims to develop the business skills of heritage and cultural managers working for civil society organizations in The Gambia. The aim is to enable them to establish and better support heritage and cultural enterprises. It is hoped that supporting enterprise-building based on the Gambia’s cultural heritage will promote greater community solidarity and eventually provide opportunities that will help reduce the number of people being lost to The Gambia through brain drain.

“The HerMaP project is a unique opportunity for us to engage with the incredibly diverse heritage sector of the Gambia, a country extremely rich in traditions, oral history, poetry, song, and dance among others. It is extremely encouraging to see the engagement of the Gambian stakeholders who ultimately will have ownership of this program. It is here important to thank all stakeholders in this program, and the European Commission for making it possible,” Kyriakidis added.

During the workshop, which was held online, participants familiarized themselves with the context of community engagement through heritage, the importance of values in community initiatives, discussed methodologies based on ethnography and oral history, and engaged in practical exercises aimed at understanding the communities they work with and producing multimedia content with the guidance of the instructors.

“We need to redouble our efforts at proper management of our cultural heritage. This will enable our younger generation to benefit from it since it will also promote tourism’’, said Saloum Sheriff Janko program manager Artists in Alliance for Arts and Culture.

The project is co-funded by the European Union with  some funding partly matched by the UN Economic Commission for Africa. It is being realized in partnership with the National Centre for Arts and Culture.

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