All posts by HERITΛGE

“Climate Change, Heritage and Risk” workshop with the World Monuments Fund

The 6-day online workshop on “Climate Change, Heritage and Risk” took place between 18 January and 2 February, and was exclusively conducted for the World Monuments Fund professionals. The workshop was sponsored by the World Monuments Fund and the Heritage Management Organization. 17 WMF heritage managers from Italy, Spain, the UK, Portugal, India, and the

HERITΛGE at the 6th African Union – European Union Summit

HERITΛGE was honoured to take active part in the Africa-Europe EU Week that was held in Brussels from 14 to 18 February 2022. Stakeholders from Africa and Europe will come together to strengthen the partnerships between the two continents through a series of policy events and cultural performances in the margins of the 6th African

“Introduction to Heritage Interpretation for Site Managers” workshop 2022

The online 3-day workshop on “Introduction to Heritage Interpretation for Site Managers” took place from 21 to 23 January 2022.   18 heritage managers from Africa (Rwanda, Kenya, The Gambia, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Ghana, and Egypt), Asia (Qatar) and Europe (Greece) have been trained on how to develop interpretive talks and walks in heritage sites or museums

“Project Management for Heritage Managers” workshop with 32 cultural heritage managers from Ethiopia

The online 3-day workshop on “Project Management for Heritage Managers” took place from 3 to 5 December 2021.  32 cultural heritage managers from Ethiopia have been trained in how to manage a successful project, from inception, planning and implementation to closure. This workshop has been supported by the UN Economic Commission for Africa and the

“Engaging Communities” Workshop

The online 3-day workshop on “ Engaging Communities” took place from 5 to 7 November 2021.  22 heritage managers from Africa (Ethiopia, Ghana, Gambia, Egypt, Tanzania, Rwanda, Kenya, Morocco and Namibia) have received training on how to engage communities through heritage and for the benefit of heritage. This workshop have been supported by the UN

Interpretive Writing for Natural and Cultural Heritage

  The online 3-day workshop on “ Interpretive Writing for Natural and Cultural Heritage” took place from 22 to 24 October 2021. 9 heritage managers from Africa (South Africa, Rwanda and Egypt), Asia (Turkey, India) and Europe (Greece) have been trained on writing an effective word-based Heritage Interpretation text that grabs and holds the reader’s

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