
Network Stories | David Nkusi

Describe your organization and the unique work that it is doing. Who and what are affected by the work? How does/will the work impact people’s lives First and foremost, I’m affiliated to the Institute of National Museums of Rwanda (INMR), a government entity that was founded in 1989. The Institute is home to eight (8)

"Project Management for Heritage Managers" online workshop

The workshop on “Project Management for Heritage Managers” took place from 09 to 11 December 2020.     11 heritage managers from Africa (Rwanda, Gambia, Kenya) and Europe (Finland, Greece, UK) have been trained in project management techniques for running a successful project from inception, through the planning and implementation phases to closure. Through exercises

HerMa HUB LiNK: Fostering Communities II

Building the ground for the future of community engagement Why is the relationship between institutions and communities a fundamental one? How can institutions successfully develop participatory initiatives of community engagement? At our online roundtable “Museums, Cultural Organizations and Community Engagement”, which took place on Saturday 5 December 2020, 8 academics and practitioners with long experience

"Introduction to Heritage Interpretation for Site Managers" Online Workshop

  The Heritage Management Organization (HERITΛGE) organized a 3-day intensive online workshop from 2 to 4 October 2020 on “Introduction to Heritage Interpretation for Site Managers”.  10 heritage managers from Nepal, Iran, Turkey, Tunisia, Gambia, Greece and Italy have been trained in heritage interpretation, making visitors’ experience meaningful and unforgettable. Through interactive exercises, group work,

Denkraum Athens: Re-imagining the future of sustainable cities

Denkraum: Sustainable Cities & Good Life, occurred in Athens from 6th of 9th of October organised by BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt &  Impact Hub, in collaboration with Impact Hub Athens, Impact Hub Madrid & Amsterdam. Combining digital & physical presence and together with distinct voices, Impact Hub Athens assembled a network of mindful individuals to co-inspire solutions for the current challenges

British Council Cultural Protection Fund Workshop on Heritage Management

The Heritage Management Organization (HERITΛGE) in collaboration with the British Council’s Cultural Protection Fund in partnership with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport organized a 8-day workshop, with 11 meetings in total, to train 22 heritage managers of British Council staff and collaborative network in heritage management; engaging of local communities; heritage, risk

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