Tag Archives: workshops

Legacy Builders: Zoitsa Gkinni

Dr Zoitsa (Zoe) Gkinni | Senior Book and Paper Conservator, National Library of Greece

Which workshop did you attend?

Strategic Planning for Heritage Managers (2020) & Successful Fundraising for Heritage Managers: Strategies and Best Practices (2o21)

Were the training workshops opportunities to enhance your connections with your peers?

Yes in a number of ways. To begin with I started feeling safer when I was training, as I also train people. During these training sessions you come across people from different communities, the workshops are intercultural meetings, and this enriches us participants professionally, in the way we approach things. I benefited both by acquiring knowledge and by enhancing my understanding of peers from  around the world, from diverse cultural backgrounds.  I became conscious of theses benefits when I went on to take part in working groups with peers from North Africa and Asia.

The workshops are intercultural meetings and this enriches us professionally in the way we approach things.

The training workshops also helped me enhance my mentoring work for the International Institute of Conservation by widening my horizons and giving me yet another solid foundation that I could then share with mentees.

Do you feel that your ability to perform relevant tasks has improved?

Yes, my heritage management and fundraising skills have been upgraded. I was part of the team that coordinated the National Library of Greece’s move to its new building and that experience, along with the heritage management training workshops, helped me gain a deeper understanding of many aspects of my work.I feel confident to use the knowledge and skills I gained in the fundraising workshop in practice when approaching third parties and writing funding proposals.

The fundraising workshop has proved particularly helpful when I am part of organising committees for conferences or events; it has proved very useful when approaching people or companies to fundraise.

Following of your training, have your projects benefited?

Yes, I feel the projects I have worked on have benefited from the HERITΛGE training I received. I do not fundraise every day but I have had to fundraise and I will need to do so in the future. I have also discussed the workshops with colleagues and I have recommended that they also sign up for the fundraising workshop with the Heritage Management Organization. I believe it is a very compact training session that provides a great amount of knowledge. I always have what I learned during the fundraising workshop at the back of my head  when I am organising conference and events and it has proved very useful when approaching people in order to fundraise.

How would you summarise your HERITΛGE training experience in your own words?

The training offered by the Heritage Management Organization is well-organised, well-designed, and the instructors are well-selected. I have attended a number of training workshops with a variety of providers and I am very satisfied with how the HERITΛGE workshops were organised and how they were delivered and as a result I have recommended them to colleagues and I will keep recommending them in the future.




New Training Calendar: Online Workshops for Heritage Managers

Screenshot of online trainingThe Heritage Management Organization (HERITΛGE) is happy to announce a series of online training workshops for heritage professionals and caretakers for 2024-2025.  A variety of scholarships and funding opportunities are available. As places are limited, candidates are advised to apply as soon as possible. 

Online Workshop Calendar 2024-2025

Introduction to Heritage Interpretation for Site Managers | 01–03 October 2024 

Master the principles of high-quality heritage interpretation and gain hands-on experience in implementing them at your site/organization in order to create meaningful and unforgettable experiences for visitors. 

Engaging Communities in Cultural Heritage | 11–13 October 2024

Understand the community engagement process,  a key heritage management strategy.  Master the challenges of working with local communities discern between communities and audiences and understand audience segmentation, get introduced to ethnographic approaches to creating collaborative research-based programs, and learn the methods and techniques of oral history to elicit and document tangible and intangible heritage.

Conservation III: Preventive Conservation (pilot)  | 15-17 November 

A pilot workshop only open to heritage managers that have previously completed Conservation II: First Aid for Finds. 

Interpretive Writing for Natural and Cultural Heritage | 25–27 November 2024

Learn how to write text that grabs and holds the reader’s attention. Discover and practice a wide range of techniques to engage visitors and master the techniques of interpretive writing. Participants will work to become a HERITΛGE-accredited Interpretive Writer, after successfully completing, and being assessed on, the exercises and activities.

Project Management for Heritage Managers | 13-15 December 2024

Gain the skills and knowledge to  run a successful project from inception, through the planning and implementation phases to closure. Create a work breakdown structure, a critical path diagram and a Gantt chart. Research potential funders and write a grant application. Improve personal time management skills. Learn to think critically, identify risks and create solutions. 

Organising Temporary Exhibitions from your Collections and Touring Strategies | 14–16 February 2025

The focus of this workshop is to give you the skills to ensure temporary, touring and partnership exhibitions can enhance and promote your institution’s mission, create new audiences and mutually beneficial partnerships. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own exhibition ideas to the workshop for discussion and development.

Communication Strategy and Strategic Marketing for Cultural Organizations | 07-09 March 2025

Join a focused learning experience that provides a systemic approach to successfully attract key audiences’ attention through traditional, new, and social media. Acquire a working guide to effectively communicate news, initiatives, and announcements of your organization and manage communication around a crisis or issue.

Successful Fundraising for Heritage Managers: Strategies and Best Practices | 28-30 March 2025

Start-up and build an organization’s contributed revenue to increase its impact in the world. Participants learn best practices and apply them to create the case for support and letter of inquiry for their own organization or project. Workshop sessions combine live and asynchronous lectures, case studies, class discussions and interactive exercises.

Conservation I: Introduction to the General Principles of Cultural Heritage Conservation | 4-6 April 2025

Learn the fundamentals, the ethics, the evolution, and the contemporary international context of conservation. At the end of the course, participants will be able to understand the potential of conservation, together with the processes which are necessary to maximize it.

Strategic Planning for Heritage Managers  | 9-11 May 2025

Successful strategy can lead to success and this course will provide participants with the tools and methodologies to successfully formulate and implement strategy in organizations managing cultural heritage. Learn the methods and tools of strategic analysis that will enable you devise and evaluate alternative strategic choices and comprehend the demands of a strategy implementation project.

More workshop dates will be announced soon. To apply visit our Executive Leadership Training page. 

2023- 2024: Our academic year in review

A collage of photos from the heritage management organization activitiesOn Saturday, June 30th, the HERITΛGE team wrapped up the  2023-2024 academic year with an event on the Greek island of Paros island to mark the end of our Community Engagement for Cultural Heritage Summer Field School.  The event was the culmination of possibly the most successful academic year since the organization was founded 15 years ago.

During the last 12 months, HERITΛGE completed 40 training activities that included online and in-person workshops,  two hybrid summer schools, and an academic Certificate program bearing ECTS credits, delivered in cooperation with HOGENT University in Belgium.  Over 650 heritage managers and caretakers were trained in managing heritage assets, independent of project specifics.

We expanded our curriculum with a new conservation course, First Aid for Finds. The 3-day online workshop complements the Introduction to the General Principles of Cultural Heritage Conservation workshop we introduced in the academic year 2022-2023. In the past year, we also ran two successful pilot programs in Interpreting Heritage and Engaging Communities for Climate Change and in Community and Economic Development, focusing on community-based tourism. Both will form part of our 2024-2025 academic year training offerings.

We also expanded our partnership with the Mellon Foundation through our HerMaP Africa program, funded by the Foundation’s Humanities in Place initiative. Through HerMaP Africa we have already awarded 60 grants and 60 fellowships to heritage organizations and professionals across Africa. Through HerMaP Gambia, a program co-funded by the European Union, we continued to work to strengthen The Gambia’s heritage sector in order to contribute to the creation of more and better jobs for the country.

Thanks to the British Council, our project in Pakistan on the protection of Buddhist rock carvings in Swat (in partnership with the Italian Mission and EssaNoor Associates) has gotten off the ground. Our J.M. Kaplan Fund work in Iraq has been completed and so has our Creative Europe project in Ukraine, training heritage managers in digital storytelling for Ukrainian Museums – together with Ukrainian partners. Our cooperation with Aliph and local partners enabled us to contribute to the efforts to safeguard local heritage in the aftermath of last year’s catastrophic earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. This academic year we also helped create the Living Heritage Network which aims to bring together and empower all organizations and individuals working with Greek living heritage.

Meanwhile, we continued working with some of Europe’s best-known academic and research institutions as well as heritage organizations and private businesses to make cultural heritage more accessible and inclusive through SHIFT, a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe program.

Finally, earlier in 2024  we started working on AHEAD, another Creative Europe program, this time aiming to strengthen European cultural heritage institutions’  audience development efforts.

These are most but by no means all the projects our team is working on, all the while expanding HERITΛGE’s impact and outreach efforts. Stay tuned for more!

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